
Mar 29, 20214 min

GAME TIME! Weekly Astrology Forecast March 28th - April 3rd

This is a time of DEEP Change, spiritual growth, and digging down. We’re not scared anymore to change we NEED IT and are so tired of the old that tried to get in our way. We will become attracted to people who encourage or mentor that change in us. We WANT to learn and power through. It’s like our future is so close we can taste it. And it is. Because we’re deeply aligned with growth now as Mars rides the North Node. And with Chiron opposing the moon we are open to listening to what kind of changes we will need to make to get the progress we’re craving. We are willing to take risks now, not seeing them so much as risks but investments in to the life we WANT and are now insisting upon. So you’ll probably find yourself not easily insulted and irritated by anyone asking to be babied. This is GAME TIME

Sunday -

Mantra: I am strength. I am courage. I am love I am light. My future is now and my past my preparation. It is why I deserve this newness. I am Success. I am Joy.

We are poised to take over now and the desire to dominate is near explosive. We’re not waiting any longer and are becoming very intolerant to those we know are moving backward. And those people or mentalities will become VERY evident. You cannot save people. And you do not have to waste your time trying. 'Emotional' will not speak as powerfully today as intelligence and actions. Can you feel the heat rising in you? Good. It’s time to move toward your higher self and better life. Grand air trine - clarity in communications. You’ve tried so hard to keep something from the past alive, but communications will show you that you have to let go.

Monday -

What you love and who you love is changing because you are changing to a stronger version of yourself. Don’t be surprised if you are willing to makes moves you would have been frightened of just last year. You confidence is high now, drawing strength from the visceral understanding that you DO NOT want to go back to the past. It is only good to inform your future of what NOT to do.

Mantra: Thank you. Angles for all that you are in my life. I am blessed. I am highly favored. I am I do I have I can. Thank you for the abundance you send to me. I accept all these blessing, I deserve all these blessings, I am grateful for all these blessings

Tuesday -

Moon moves in to Scorpio. With Venus in Mars this is a HOT TIME and sexual urges will be surging. But it’s not so much about sexuality as the virility that it brings to your character and your courage. If you feel bad about your body in anyway that will be painfully clear now. But you won’t cave to low self esteem. You’ll leap at what you don’t like as a hungry jungle cat would. It’s a great time to start that work out routine or new nutrition regime. Any unhappy news you get now will end up as motivation.

Mantra: I control it it doesn’t control me. My way or now way. Where spirit guides I go no matter how high the mountain

Wednesday -

There is a giant bow in the sky now intentionally pulling us back to insist we realize that forward is the only option. As if the universe is using reverse psychology on us, what we are denied or held back from will be what we HYPER FOCUS on. Obsessive behavior could lead to major break throughs.

Mantra: BRING IT ON. I am ready. I am new. That person I was never was. All am am is what I am now and what I decide to be.

Thursday -

Moon moves in to Sagittarius

Whoever tried to make the dignified look bad will have mud on their face. Integrity is the name of the game now. Sell outs beware. Attention whores beware. Tonic water salesperson beware. The old is now new. The adult is rising. And those that scream and cry will not get the sympathy they think is coming to them. People desire those aspects of the past that never should have been thrown away. Can we learn from this and not throw the baby out with the bathwater this time around?

Mantra: The past is not gone, it is what has made me new. And so it resides in the depths of my essence. I do not fear it, I know it. And so it sets me free. Like the grueling pain a champion athletes endures only serves their strength, so my past illuminates the present so I do not repeat it

Friday -

Your appetite for the new direction is challenged by your current restraints. Your thoughts are bringing you into alignment with your destiny. Don’t be surprised if the world starts to look differently. There is peace within purpose. Turning your thoughts into words is difficult now, but getting in to your body by can help you get over this. Show: don’t bother telling. Also take notes of the ACTIONS of other. They say much more than words could. We could also be thinking outside our means. Don’t let that sink into your soul. Go window shopping KNOWING that one day it won’t just be windows you're shopping or time you're spending. Money is energy. What you produce will alway be there for you.

Mantra: what I don’t have, I have. These restraints, I put them there by trying to move before I had learned. I am open to learning and will nurture the opportunities to be taught.


We meet our restrictions face to face. Don’t worry, it’s only a bill. Pay it. As much as you can. Get on top of those things you’d like to sweep under the carpet. Deciding to do so will change around events. Something unbelievably incredible is about to happen to you. Could it REALLY BE? That THIS is finally here? Yes. And you can feel it. And it’s okay to be nervous, even scared. You’re ready now. The universe had made sure of it.

Mantra: it is already mine. My arms open wide to embrace the abundance.
