This week challenges us in the most intimate ways. Its asks us, "Are you strong enough, BRAVE enough, to learn from your mistakes and shadows. Can you look at all the ways you've failed, and grow?" It won't be the big things that bring you down this week. The outside collisions are actually the facade, excuses to escape the truly fearsome ghosts that are resurrected inside of us. That argument you'll have with your family, that disappoint in your spouse, it's just the catalyst, the earthquack that uncovers those bones of failures past you tried to bury and forget about. Those bones are the real revelation. AMD the real way forward. If you can find a way to forgive yourself then you can find your future. One so bright you'll think its impossible until you're living it. And then, you'll be humble AND happy. Enjoy this preview for the week, the introduction video to all your Vimeo on Demand zodiac specific EXTENDED readings is up on the BwoB site, and, if you've signed up for the mailing list, in your inboxes! It'll also appear on the Vimeo homepage on Tuesday of this week.
Much love to you all!
