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TRUTH & CONSEQUENCES - Weekly Astrology Forecast for Dec. 11 - 17, 2022

This week will be brutal. And you'll be surprised at just how ready for it you are. Because it had to happen. The moment when you grow up, when you stop expecting the world to be fair and see it for what it is. And it is beautiful. Perfection is not required. What progress have you made over the past year? You'll get an inventory of everything: where you've succeeded, where you've exceeded, and where you've fallen short. What will you do with this information? You'll move forward like an adult.

The energy overload that is happening in Saturn is the reason for this. Mercury and Venus transited into Saturn last week, and over the course of this week we'll see both the Sun and Moon approach so that next week, the kick-off to Capricorn Season, and the New Moon in Capricorn on Dec. 23rd, we'll be ready for this new course of action. For this week though, Saturn takes over with its sextile to the Sun, sobbering our characters and focusing our vision. With the quinconx between Mars (R) and Pluto this week, expect control issues. You'll have to confront people questioning your authority. And the way you'll confront it is to prove that you deserve the authority you have. Or, you'll take it because you deserve. BUT ONLY BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT. That's how Capricorn works. If you didn't earn it, it's not yours. No participation trophies here. And no fucks given. If people's feeling are hurt - GOOD - that's how you grow and learn. Now I'm not saying this mentality is right or wrong. What I am saying is this is what we've got for the next week (and more). I'm going to include a great meme I saw posted on my Friend's IG profile Talisman and Cauldron. Because it is absolutely prefect for today:

I'm not sure if Daniel Ranger is the artist or the author or both, but he nailed it with this meme. Expect that this will be the theme for all of Capricorn season. But because both Mercury and Venus are in Capricorn while all of this is happening, you can trust that we'll have the self-discipline to see this as a good thing. And it is. What wonderful freedom you discover when you learn your own capabilities. It is truly an adventure before us, and in it's very practical way - Magic.


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