Whistle while you work this week. With the meddlesome Mercury Retrograde opposite Jupiter (which can be playful too), accept that while getting a lot done will be impossible, taking stock of what you have, figuring out what you need, and setting goals as to next steps will be second nature this week. We have the energy and stamina we'll need now (Venus square Mars and Pluto Trine the Sun assures us of that) as well as the patience and practicality (Mars trine Saturn) to tackle the tedious work we may have put off over the summer. Mercury Retrograde is here to make sure we get it done, and the universe is supporting us with tenacious energies that will allow us to cope with less-than-perfect but certainly manageable energies. Even the Meddlesome Mercury Retrograde opposite Jupiter has a playful tone, so while we get to work we can sing and whistle to guide our tasks through rhythms. Happy week everyone. I'll see you in the videos
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Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
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Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
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Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
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Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
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Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
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Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
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Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
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Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
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Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
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Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
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Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
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Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
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Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
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Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
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Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
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