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Weekly Astrology Forecast July 24th - 30th

This week, remember back about six months ago, to any intentions you set or manifestation you began around the Aquarius New Moon. Those will come alive this week with the arrival of the Leo New Moon. The difficulties have come to a head and the universe is about to explode with an inability to sustain that clog in the drain any longer. This is a tense week to say the least, and you'll be ready for the emotional release the New Moon will bring. We're ready to let go of those restrictions against who we are and how we live our lives, many that are coming in the form of technological failures and financial disappointments. This could make you feel down on yourself and sense of self worth. Be careful of impulsivity and over estimating your abilities this week. The best course of action is deep breathing, thinking twice, and loving yourself enough to be patient. You don't have to push anything this week. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, even if you trip. Get up, dust yourself off, and take the next step. You'll be glad you did. And you'll be glad you didn't rush.


Dustin Bryant
Jul 25, 2022

I like the fact to not have to always go to social media. I got rid nearly all of my social media platforms except YouTube. Will it be live? That would be super sweet. Thank you

Feb 22, 2024
Replying to


I'm still learning how to work lives over here, but I do think it's possible. Yes, It would be live and I'd let you know when they were going to happen in the Newsletters that come out on the 1st and 15th of each month. Much love to you,


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